As incomes in China have risen in recent years, so too has the amount of international travel taken by its 1.4 billion residents. China has been tourism’s top market since 2012, and it will soon be the world’s largest source …

SiteMinder getting to 30,000 customers
In March 2018, River Palace hotel in Italy has selected SiteMinder as their channel management provider to distribute rooms, inventory and prices through the OTAs. Congratulations Siteminder for such an impressive milestone. How has the cloud based company achieved such …

Boost bookings with TripAdvisor sponsored placements for accommodations and hotels
First step in driving new bookings for your property starts with channeling high quality traffic to your website, OTA landing pages and TripAdvisor listing. ‘Every day, millions of travelers visit TripAdvisor looking for a place to stay’. TripAdvisor is one …
Free Hotel Channel Manager: BookingBooster
Are looking for a free Channel Manager for your property; whether it is a hotel, hostel, holiday house, apartment or a villa. Look no further! BookingBooster offers a free Channel Manager to all of our business partners, no hidden charges. …

Hotel Chatbots and Instant Messaging Systems
Updated 25 Jun 2020 Last year was deemed ‘The year of the chat box’, so if you’ve not got one for your business; you’re already ‘so last year’. Taking leadership from Siri and Google Now, companies are keen to connect …

How Your Hotel Online Reputation Impacts Your Revenue
Updated 25 Jun 2020 Is your property easy to find on the OTA’s? Are there many reviews about your property? What kinds of reviews are being left? The answers to these questions will impact your revenue. If you are not …

4 Key Facts About Millennials and Their Impact on Hotel Business
In recent years the term “Millennials” has been floating around in a number of articles, blogs and in passing conversation with little meaning or impact. Now it appears that Millennials are changing life and business as we know it. Before …

Ryanair Rooms as hotel accommodation provider
12 months ago Ryanair announced the addition of Ryanair Rooms to their catalogue of services and products. Now it’s ‘taking off’ in the hospitality industry as a company to watch. Ryanair Rooms helps you conveniently book the best accommodation deals, …

BookingBooster launching internationally
Often, it can be tricky to drive bookings to a property. With so many sites out there for people to choose from when choosing accommodation, property owners and marketing managers now have a tougher job than ever. What’s needed is …

Grand Vilnius happy with eBay
A trip to Lithuania offers a unique experience that is unknown to many. The capital city of Lithuania Vilnius is rated as one of the most charming cities in the Baltic countries with an old town. Vilnius is the proud …