GRAND HOTEL BERNARDIN SAVES 200 MAN-HOURS PER MONTH BY USING FACILITY APPLICATION The hotel industry is labor intensive where the ultimate goal is guest satisfaction that is translated into revenue increase, good feedback and recommendations. Communication between a hotel’s departments …

Handelsblatt lässt Hotelbuchungsportale miteinander vergleichen
Fast ein Drittel aller Übernachtungen buchen die Deutschen über Online-Plattformen wie, HRS oder Expedia – mehr als bei den Hotels direkt. Doch nicht immer ist das günstigste Portal die beste Wahl, oft lauern beispielsweise versteckte Kosten. Die Beratungsfirma First …

Facebook Direct Bookings with CultBooking
Introduction: In the digital era, every hotel understands the importance of an online presence to attract business. However, a dedicated website is not enough anymore- social media is currently leading the trend, as an increasing number of customers using Facebook …

3 Main Cloud Based Hotel Software Solutions each Property Should Have
Introduction Cloud based technology is becoming a standard for every hotel around the world, looking for a reliable solution that is cost effective, easy to manage, saves time and avoids breakdowns. The trend is to migrate from the old business …

Hotel Group Dorado Plaza and Cultuzz
The travel and tourism industry is highly growing and changing day by day. Companies and organizations in this sector must make sure that they do all it takes to satisfy their customers’ changing needs. Customers mainly want services that are …